"Well hi there!" he said to his newly discovered friends. He was instantly met with two big smiles of two baby geese not much bigger than he was.
The two geese and the curious turtle grew up together and made the fondest memories. One day, the turtle overheard other people around the pond talking about a much bigger pond that was miles away. It had better weather, less dangerous predators, and more berries and grass to munch on. The turtle was instantly very curious and intrigued by this. He went to his geese friends immediately and told them all about it. They were quite hesitant at first but they had also heard a lot of good things about this place. The turtle finally convinced them and they got ready to set out the next day. However, when the turtle went to climb up on one of the geese backs, he realized that he didn't fit like he used to.
"Oh no! How am I going to go with you guys now?" The turtle sadly asked.
"Wait right there!" One of the geese said.
The geese quickly returned with a very strong stick and explained that the turtle need only hold onto the stick the whole way and they would carry him. The turtle thought this was a great idea and grabbed on.
When they were not far into their journey, a group of children down below started to jeer at the turtle. They said turtles shouldn't be in the sky, they should only be on the ground.
This made the turtle feel said inside but he was smart and knew not to open his mouth. Instead, he let the children jeer at him and continued on his journey.
After another days journey they made it to the beautiful new pond and they lived happily ever after.
Jataka Tales
by Ellen C. Babbitt
Hi Trini! I really like your story here. This Jataka Tale was one of the first I read for this class, so it's always interesting to read what other people did for the story during one of the story telling assignments. You're was definitely unique, though. You took the premise of the original story, but then adapted it to something new. I liked how you changed it so that the geese the turtle was friends with in the original was actually life-long friends with them. I also loved the ending! I expected the same ending from the original tale to happen, but you changed it which was refreshing especially since I was rooting for the turtle this time because the beginning was kind of wholesome.